Update symantec endpoint protection 14.2
Update symantec endpoint protection 14.2

update symantec endpoint protection 14.2 update symantec endpoint protection 14.2

checks, if SEP client is installed and reads all required env-variables "C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\pft9E08.tmp\MsiLu.exe" /p Patch.dax /i you can open the EXE via tools like 7zip etc to verify the content some additional executables, which will be executed later in the install-process (MsiLU.exe, SymDelta.exe, Xdelta3.exe) a file Patch.dax, which includes all differences between installed version and the version to be installed some central ini-files for the latest SEP-version (Setup.ini, Setaid.ini) extracts itself into a subfolder in %localappdata%\temp

update symantec endpoint protection 14.2

launch the executable, that fits to the locally installed SEP-version (here x.x.760) if you have an 圆4-OS then the filename MUST start with "Sep64" in the name be aware, that there are 2 files per language: one for x86 and one for 圆4 systems! select "Client-Only Patches" and then select the correct download file go to the following Symantec page to get allways to the latest available version: Troubleshooting-Guide for installing Symantec Endpoint Protection Client-Only Patches: After troubleshooting my Client-Only Patch for a while, I decided to write a small (but helpful?) Guide to understand the details of the SEP-Patch process.

Update symantec endpoint protection 14.2